1. New & Established Patients of PrimaryPlus NOW have access to TeleHealth appointments for many of their care needs through a safe, secure outlet called Updox.  Social distancing is so important during this time of the Coronavirus outbreak and through TeleHealth visits, we are able to address many of your health needs virtually, in the comfort of your own home.  Some of those visit types include (but not limited to) follow up care, some well visits, medication issues, lab and test results, general health questions, counseling appointments, some dermatology visits, etc.  

      2. Not all appointment types qualify for TeleHealth services.  For those that do not qualify for TeleHealth, please know we are taking all necessary precautions for infection control and social distancing for those appointments that still need to be seen in the office.  The health and safety of our patients, staff and community is OUR PRIORITY!    

      3. Here is How TeleHealth WORKS:  

      4. 1)  Patients can contact their local PrimaryPlus office to see if his/her visit qualifies for a TeleHealth appointment.  Please make sure our front desk staff have the correct CELL PHONE NUMBER AND/OR EMAIL ADDRESS on file for a TeleHealth visit to be able to take place.

      5. Patient must have access to a smartphone or computer with camera/audio for a TeleHealth visit to work, the following devices are compatible: 
        *Phones/Computer must have a front-facing camera.

      6. By Smart Phone (you will receive a secure invitation link via TEXT):   
        Supported Smartphone types include...
         iPhone7 or Higher  -  Samsung Galaxy s7 or higher  -  Google Pixel 3+  -  One Plus 3t and up 

      7. OR

      8. By Computer (you will receive a secure invitation link via EMAIL): 
        Supported Web Browsers include...
        Chrome - Firefox - Safari  -  Note:  Microsoft Internet Explorer or Edge will not work).  

        2)  If one of the correct devices (listed above) are available, patient will be given an appointment time.

        3)  At the appointment time, the nurse will CALL the phone number given to start the TeleHealth process.  
        The nurse will ask some basic health questions and once that is complete he/she will ask if you wish to connect to your TeleHealth visit by TEXT or EMAIL.  Again, please make sure we have the correct cell number or email to connect to your visit.  

      9. 4)  The nurse will then send you a link via either text or email.  Once you receive the link, you will have 10 minutes to activate the link to begin your appointment.  We suggest activating the link as soon you receive the notification.  
        Note:  Patient will need to allow access to their camera & microphone after opening the link. Patient will need to choose the option of ALLOW to initiate the video conference with the PrimaryPlus medical provider.

        5)  Once opening the link and allowing access to audio/camera...your SECURE TELEHEALTH APPOINTMENT CAN BEGIN WITH YOUR MEDICAL PROVIDER...you should see them on the SCREEN!  
      12. If you have any issues or questions, please contact your PrimaryPlus location OR click the link below for some great Q&A about how PrimaryPlus' TeleHealth program with Updox works!  
   Join Our Patient Portal!

Our Patient Portal gives our patients 24/7 access to PrimaryPlus. Being a member of the portal allows you to request appointments, view your visit summaries/lab results and message our medical team at your convenience!

Note: To register for the portal, your email address MUST be on file in our system. Contact your PrimaryPlus location if you need any assistance.

Join now!